Senin, 20 Oktober 2008

kami the movie

Kami the Movie mmg best!!!

kami the movie menjawab semua persoalan kami the series yg tergantung endingnya(mmg sengaja tergantung endingnya)..ok not all the issues but most of it..

i love abu in this movie..

dia sangat klakar and slamber..
really natural acting from him
i'm impressed with him..
but i seriously hated the fact that he's dead at the end at the movie(kenapa nak matikan dia..huhu..kami is incomplete without abu..)

ali was good to in the movie..
i think his acting skill has improved than dalam series dulu..
i like his friendship with abu..
sgt sempoi..
and he do care about abu but please do not question his way..(dia tolong cover up for abu which eventhough for the sake of friend but still not a good example)
and sgt terharu tgk abu mati sebab selamatkan ali..huhu..

liyana jasmay is as superb as always..(lynn rock!!)
she looked cute walaupun simple jer
and love the 'thing' between her n ali..they loooked good together..

adi x byk part in the drama..
but rasa best akhirnya dia tau siapa vanilla ice..
it's bettter than dia x tau siapa pun orgnyya kan..

i have to say that i don't like sofi and i hate her problematic mom..but it's good that when she realised that ali has feelings for lynn, she backed off..

if u are a narrow minded people,please don't watch the movie coz u wil end up questioning many things..
this film was not a good example for the youngster(in sense to be followed)

tapi, the film boleh bg satu mesej yg it's not ok to do apa yg dorg semua will lead to more probs..
however,it's the reality though it's hard to accept
whatever happened in Kami did happened in real life..even worse than what was potrayed in the film.
apa yg boleh dicontohi adalah dorg punya 'bond' with each other..their strong friendship..

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