Minggu, 21 Desember 2008


THIS IS EMBARASSING..GOSH..but i actually x tau the function of a tag..
termalu suda i..
just know yg i suppose to reply all those tag..
ya ampun, to those yg very kind to tagged me, i' m sorry guys...hihi..sorry morry dearie..

ok..lets give a chance for me to reply a tag from adek nurul natasha..

=List these rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
Link the person who tagged you.
Leave a comment for each blogger.

7 facts about me

-i'm a girl and i'm 19
-i'm the eldest out of 5 siblings
-all my buddies and coursemates in uni called me BUTTERCUP(buttercup as in the character in the powerpuff girl..the green ones..)
-i'm a simple girl yet can be complicated sometimes..
-i'm the girl yg org kata look can be deceiving..i may look baik and timid, but once i marah, the hulk pun kalah..you'll wish that u never see me mad..
-family and friends always comes first for me..
-i'm ambitious, stubborn, can be really the tegas kind of people,but i actually have a soft heart..i can really cry at any time..such a cry baby..

=Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.

-i'm a tidur mati type of people..bom atom meletop pun x kan bangun.. i need to set 5 different alarm time every day utk bangun,if not,x akan bangun dr tidur..
-i hate org yg gediksss..puhless..they are eyesore to my eyes..cannot stand a moment with org2 jenis begini..
-i hate rude people..manners, budi bahasa is really important to me..and if someone ever do something rude mcm mencarut and yg sewaktu dengannya, habisla org iteww..
-i always misplace all my stuff..but luckily i can remember kat mana i letak those things..
-i'm a last minute person.never organised but always get away with it..
-if something bored me, i can fell asleep at that time jugak..without any sense of guilt..

=Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

~nucy loves
~tira my kembarr

Link the person who tagged you.


=Leave a comment for each blogger.

i'll do it later k..

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