huhu..dh tahun 2009 suda..
new year means new semester ..
new semester mean-alot of work and stressful period..
indicator-i'll hate it as always..
suprisingly, i'm quite ok with it..
i don't have any mood swings and neither of my best buddies had been the object of my anger..
i think things will be just ok and calm for a moment..
u know, new year and new resolution came interchangebly..
my new year resolution?
upgrade my grades, be more organised, be more fillial to my parents, be more hardworking..
duhhh..the list can go on like forever..
though the facts that i'm going crazy over finishing my constitutional law assignment which i gladly send it up to the office yesterday..i'm doing it only in one day and now i'm like a walking zombie who can sleep at anytime and at any moment..just dozzing off..
amazingly, it don't really bothers me..nothing really affecting my insanity and make me go hysterical..thank god for it..hihi..
i'm in the midst of searching for 2 possible topics for the proposal of my projects paper..thus, this indicate that i'll be working closely with my dearie library..
haha..hanging out at the library is not so cool....
i'm thinking of doing on some of media issues but i'm not really sure about it..
and today, i'm attending my elektif luar course for the very first time..
i'm taking "analisa konflik"..and after the first lecture, i really need to 'analisa' whether i'm doing the right thing by taking this course..the lecturer was ok and informative..we're discussing about all sort of conflicts which happen nowdays and i'm in daze...i don't read the newspaper and don't watch the news on tv..pathetic me..
i met some typical budak lelaki yg ada mentaliti budak sekolah in the class who make me pissed off..please people, have some manners..i'm shocked!!
whatever happen, life must go on and we sholud think about the next day..take the bright and possitive side of it..pasti ada hikmahnya..
hopefully things will be ok and i'' be always happy..aminnn
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