Minggu, 08 Februari 2009

Confession of A Fangirl..

semalam, tlh berlangsungla pertemuan dgn rakan2 sabunians..
x ramai tapi okla..not bad..best boleh gosip2..
semalam, jumpa dgn miesya, kiku dgn sweety..
umi kyrun pun ada la dtg join beramah mesra sekejap.. sempat umi kenal2 dgn sabunians lain yg datang..
lama jugak kitaorg berborak dekat domino sampai waiter kat situ dah nak tambah dish..muahaha...sentapss sekejap..
muahaha..berkongsi hobi la sama la katakannn..kecintaan pada SABUN yg jitu..
meroyan, memanda..
peliks2 hobi memasing..
bagi yg x faham, meroyan adalah-satu simptom yg x tahu dr mana datangnya tetiba muncul and all of sudden, semua dah jd fangirl..menggilai seseorg or sesebuah group..
tak pernah buat kerja2 sebegini tapi skrg makin kronik plak..menjadi2..virus yg menyerang x ada penawar suda..
memanda-satu simptom yg menyebabkan seseorg x tido pada waktu malam dan online berinternet..
sesungguhnya kedua2 benda ni x elok utk kesihatan & sgt addictive..jadi elakkan la sebelum terkena..to prevent is better than to cure..

oh ya..i kept mentioning about SABUN but maybe people will get confused macam my friend fina who literally interprated SABUN as sabun..soap..haha..
ok..let me explain it..
while browsing my blog, akan nampak gambar dua makhluk alam yg comel..seorg lelaki dgn perempuan kann..haa..itulah SABUN..

SABUN stand for Stacy & Nubhan..SA for StAcy and BUN for NUBhan..nub dibaca terbalik..
SABUN adalah gabungan nama2 dorg yg direka oleh peminat mereka berdua..
sound weird but it will be remembered well..iyelakan pelik jer nama tu..
but apparently Stacy and Nubhan also love the name so till now, it's SABUN la..
i have to confess that i never really2 like an artiste..selalunya suka gitu2 saja..x pernah amil tahu perkembangan dorg..
but when it comes to SABUN,hell no..i mmg ikuti perkembangan dorg..
at first mmg x ada niat pun and at first my father find it ridiculuos..
haha to see his daughter to be such a fangirl..tapi when i first saw Stacy on tv, i fall in love with her cuteness..
she's such a cutie and it's a great bonus that she sang and danced really well..i want her hair..sangat cute!!!!

i was 'terpana' when i first heard nubhan sang..i was like..o_O..sedapnya suara diaaaa....die die..
and i couldn't help the fact that he's eyecandy..he has the 'chinese look' and yay, i love chinese looking boys..
my mom predict that i'll marry someone with chinese look..furthermore, nub is charming and sangat kelakar..
at first it's just for suka2 but after meeting them, Stacy and Nubhan are so sweet, kind, friendly and obviously sgt mental dan kelakar..
and the saying about artis adalah better looking in person?i totally agree with it..both of them are really cute..muahaha..spazzing about themm..
coincidently, i happened to be involve in SABUN a lot..i help to manage SABUN'S OFFICIAL BLOG and also the regular SABUN thread at Cari Forum..
they are really good person and with abundant talent, i decided to support them and their career..
and SABUN is really close to each other..TEMAN TAPI MESRA katanya..aren't they cute together??

so this is what i do since last year though how busy i am..kena curik2 masa here and there..
i'm proud to say that i'm a SABUNIANS..(nama macam org bunian kan?haha)..
apa org lain fikir, i x kesah..
they are entitled to their own opinion and i also have mine..

my fangirl craze didn't heal..it become worse when i became FT Island's fan girl..
it's so evident..see my blog saja..banyak spam muka dorg..
inilah akibat tersuka dorg..
x kebah2 demam kesukaan kepada dorg..muahaha..

another confession-at first, i thought that FT ISLAND'S are only another cute boybands who danced but failed terribly and only sells because of their good look..
(the judgement was made when i saw a poster of them back them..they are too cute to be true and prettier than girlsss..memula i ingat Hongki is a girl..he's seriously scarily beautiful to my eyes..)
i start to love and learn to know them when i firstly heard their song, Lovesick..
gosh..i was hooked right at the moment..

My fav FT BOYS is HONGKI!!!

Call me biased but truly, Hongki's voice is a gift from God to him..what a lucky boy he is..
for a boy who was at that moment, only 17 years old..mmg sangat hebat..
what i like about Hongki is that he sing with emotions..apa saja perasaan Hongki terlihat pada diri dia masa menyanyi..
bukan je suara sedap tapi RASA lagu tu dapat disampaikan dgn berkesan..Hongki is born to sing sad songs..
he always looks as if he wanna to cry everytime he sing sad songs..

what i envy him the most is his beautiful eyes..a pair of sparkling smiling eyes to die for..goshh..
his eyes surpassed any girls eyes..when he sad, his eyes looked the same and when he's happy, his eyes sparkle like stars..haha..what a sight..
what i adore about him is his personality..he's such a happy go lucky guy, always cheerful and makes everyone around him happy and laugh..
he is uberly active and always energetic..he's funny and witty and really really DORKY..he plays around a lot but when he's on stage, his charisma was oozing out..
you'll will forgot that he and the other ft boys is actually very young...

i love the rest of FT boys..

i really like Jae jIN looks..first time nampak poster dorg, i like him the most..
his uberly super duper cuteeeeeeeeee......wheeee..
he is the cutest person..he has the anime look..mcm baru keluar dari komik anime..
he's a nerd..he love reading books and studying...haha..
when they debuted, he has this nerdy look with headbands and glassess..
owh my, i love guys with glassess..they look effin smart..
Jae Jin is a dork too..he always have these cute gesture with him..he love shaking his head and it make him look like a dork..
muahaha..i just love him..

Jong Hoon is ur all time dream boy..he's superly good looking, helplessly romantic and he plays piano..any guy who plays piano is to die for..
and the fact that he is mr M.B.C is pure love..(M.B.c stand for MARGERINE, BUTTER, CHEESY)..he's so cheesy..he is either too cheesy or akward..
Jong Hoon know how to handle women..well, he's a ladies man..
being an ULZAANG confirmed that fact..(ULZAANG is a term for an internet idol..internet idol is really popular in Korea..if u are an Ulzaang, lots of girl are crazy about you..)

Min Hwan is really really cute...aigoo..he's too cute to be true..mcm budak kecik..he can cry easily, he's so shy and all his action is naturally cuteee...
haha..noona just love himm..
hwan sekarang dah membesar..i bet he will be one hot guy..
dah nampak dah tanda-tandanya..

Won bin is a true sportsman..he's really muscular to me for someone he's age..he is masculine..always active, tough and have no fear...he sang and rap well too..too bad he left FT ISLAND..

What more can i say..i LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SABUN and FT ISLAND..i heart them!!!!!!


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