Selasa, 31 Maret 2009


HUHU..this semester has finally come to an end..
I've mostly done with lectures
time for revision for final exam..duhhh...
sekejap saja dah habis sem..unbelieveable...

i finally dah terlepas habis seksa MOOTS..
GOSH..rasa lega lega sangat...
seriously a scary experience for me..
lucky me, we only got one judge for our case..
tapi one judge is enuff to scare me..
he's really particular but it's good that he's trying to assist us and not bombarding us with question..nice guy actually..

my final exam x habis lagi but i'm already thinking of what to do during cuti..keji kann,,haha
apa ye nak buat??
of course i nak Qada semua my tido..aigoo..i'm deprived of good sleep..
dah bukan panda dah, i'm officially nenek panda..
i couldn't even sleep at nite..need to force myself to sleep..
hope there's no insomnia symptom..or else i'll die..x sanggup jadi burung hantu x tido malam tapi tido pagi..menakutkan...
I have more than 5 DVD of korean drama that i buy but never watch..haha..buat perkasam x tengok2 walaupun drama tu best..busy punya pasal..

OH YA, last saturday i went to taiping
as usual for COP..
COP stand for Community Outreach Programme
i went to Sekolah Tunas Bakti Taiping for boys
basically we went there to teach the boys on issue relating to law..
mcm assist dorg la..
kitaorg ajar mengenai INTENT OF THE LAW and also macamana nak menghadapi INTERVIEW and also discrimination at the workplace..
the boys macam pasif sket..maybe becoz it's was our first time there..
so, x dapat nak mesra dgn dorg..
but anyways, they are energetic when we did the cheers..
haha..siapa x suka cheers kan??
and when i was there, tgh ada penamaan calon for pilihanraya kecil Bukit Gantang..
biasala ada perang bendera and lambakan polis2 dengan turck warna merah dorg..siap ada kem polis yang besar bertapak kat sana..gezzz..
and muka org kat sana semua agak ketat2 la..
tgk bas UM masuk sana pun dah pandang pengundi hantu okayyy...
the nite after habis mengajar budak2 STB TAIPING, we went to NIGHT SAFARI..
at first mcm dah x jadi sebab hujan lebat, tapi sebab kegigihan semua org, hujan pun kami redahi..
it's fun sebab eventhough hujan rintik2 masa sampai di sana, still nampak gak haiwan2 kat kumbang cam rasa jalan kat tepi jer...walaupon dalam sangkar kan..the proximity is still evident..

and paling x boleh lupa, i kena gigit dgn pacat..euwwww..x sedar pun haiwan makhluk tuhan tu naik atas kaki..sedar2 jer dah berdarah2..LOL..nasib baik x takut darah.


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